Design Degree Exhibit

In 2019, in collaboration with the Imagination LAB, we curated the Final Design Exhibit, showcasing third-year students’ projects centred around the narrative of futures and underlying speculations.

In the exhibition, as the main curator, I challenged the role of design in the future, questioning and scaling what is given, wanted, and needed. I aimed to prompt the public to reflect on who we are and what we deserve, for the benefit of all and the well-being of our environment.

Deliverables & Legacy

    • main curator

    • visual designer and producer

    • main coordinator with Imagination Lab

    • Curatorial vision and research

    • Project management

    • Exhibition design and spatial planning

    • Technical and artistic handling

    • Content creation

    • Coordination and communication with Imagination Lab

    • Printing big material know-how

The curation and production of the exhibition involved creating both the visual and spatial aspects, which required careful planning and a clear vision. Every part of the visitor experience was designed to flow smoothly and engage the audience.

I built resilience while working within the constraints and used the experience to set the stage for future exhibitions. As the lead curator, I was honored with the Dean’s Prize for outstanding initiative in recognition of my efforts and leadership.