Embodiment journey at Aalto University
Alto University Course / Embodied knowledge workshop 2021-2022
Exploring the role of the body in creating knowledge, practice and personal experience.
Aalto Workshop / Assembling alterities with Kira O ́Reilly 2022
Exploring alterities within the body, physical, material, non-human etc.
Aalto Workshop / Balance, Energy, Re-connecting to Life with Carolina Paulino 2022
Playing with elements, freedom and gravity.
Aalto Workshop /Capacity Building of Creative Radicals with Theory U and Social Presencing Theatre 2022
Learning frameworks that catalyse personal and systemic change.
Aalto Intensive Course / Field Ecology in Partiosaari island 2022
Exploring relationalities with the ecology of the island.
Throughout my Master Degree at Aalto University I underwent a journey in embodiment. What called my attention was the need to extend change to a body level.
Below you find a bibliography of experiences I undertook:
design researcher
embodiment student
Somatic writing facilitation for a group of 20
Embodiment major texts understanding
Versatile tool set for embodiment workshop
Body memory
IDG goals relevance & appplication
Embodiment application into design
The role of the body in creating knowledge in professional practice and in shaping personal experience.
The intersectionality of the body (the cultural vs the natural body).
Bodying as a process of becoming, the body as relational, as porous, interdependent, of affect and transformation.
Collective energy is a trigger of potentiality and reflection
Presence and its emergence of the strange vs the familiar.
Subjectivity that is conditioned by the subject, our state, institutions, the higher structure (micropolitical vs macropolitical).
Learning to trust e.g through touch. Coming to the senses and reflecting via engaging materiality.
Embodiment as a figuration to understand entanglement with more than human.
Somatic writing, how the body is limited and can be somewhat expressed via words.
Balance with Carolina Paulino
Re-connecting to Life with Carolina Pauilno
Assembling alterities with Kira O ́Reilly
Energy with Carolina Paulino